In 2011, MiVAC returned to the Kon Tum area to undertake various projects at the Vinh Son Orphanages, including the construction of a fish pond for breeding of fish for food and sale, a toilet/shower block for the boy’s dormitory, and a well.
The funding provided by MiVAC and its generous donors ensured much needed support has been given to the Vinh Son orphanages. The fish pond and bakery at Vinh Son 4 are contributing to self sustainability. The toilets at Vinh Son 5 are providing improved hygiene and health conditions for the children. The school uniforms for Vinh Son 3 children have ensured they can attend school looking the same as other students (Vietnamese) and thus avoid teasing and discriminatory treatment.
The Kon Tum orphanages will always need support. Without the visits to this area and the continuing support of MiVAC and its donors, and other caring organizations, the plight of the 700 children of the Vinh Son orphanages would be grim.