Ban Xai

School at Pong Hor gets a Concrete Floor

The Eastern end of Ban Xai is a small village known as Pong Hor. This one room school is for the first year of children going to school so they are about 6 to 7 to 8 years old. After they complete this year they can then go to the

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The Garden that Steve planted at Ban Xai

Before Steve and Dorene Carroll moved on to their well-deserved holiday in July 2012 they planted a garden at the MiVAC  block at Ban Xai. MiVAC eventually wants to have the garden operating as a profit centre for the village. It will be well watered (irrigated in the dry season)

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Building a Bio Sand Filter (BSF) to purify water

Anthony Higgs has been a lifelong friend of Andrew MacGregor, Sandy’s son, and when Anthony described his work to Sandy in SE Asia about building Bio Sand Filters (BSF) to purify water Sandy immediately introduced Anthony to Steve Carroll. Arrangements were made to have Anthony come to Ban Xai, source

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