Project News

MiVAC Residence – LAO PDR

THE MIVAC RESIDENCE AND OFFICE IN PHONSAVAN, LAOS Last year MiVAC established residential accommodation for the in-country Operations Manager in the town of Phonsavan.  We have taken a lease on a three- bedroom house near the centre of town. It has just about all of the home comforts that an

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INVITATION FOR VOLUNTARY APPOINTMENT IN LAO PDR of IN-COUNTRY OPERATIONS MANAGER MiVAC (Mines Victims and Clearance) is a non-government  organisation undertaking humanitarian work in Xiengkhouang Province of Lao Peoples Democratic  Republic.  The scope of work includes the construction of water supply and sewerage facilities for poverty-stricken communities in the province.

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  We have had some celebrations in Ban Xai over the last week. On Friday 8th November, we were pleased to sign the certificate of Practical Completion for Phase two of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Lao government (Reduction of Poverty). The formalities of signing over, it was time

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A Sewing Venture in Ban Xai, Lao PDR

Last year I was fortunate to be able to represent MiVAC on a remote village site in Lao People’s Democratic Republic.  MiVAC’s mission in the region is to reduce poverty by establishing better water supply, toilets and hygiene practices. MiVAC also is promoting economic development by introducing villagers to new

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Wet and Shivering Children and Incinerator

It was the wet season in Xiengkhouang Province – raining almost daily and some days we couldn’t work. From Matt “Whilst building the toilets at Phoung Hor school one rainy day I noticed that all of the students were soaking wet and shivering. I asked why this was the case

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The Much Maligned Biodigester

  The purpose of the Biodigester is multidimensional. The one at Ban Xai was conceived before electricity was in the village so the main reasons were to provide methane gas for cooking and heating, to save firewood, to provide an alternative to having unhealthy smoke filled houses and to provide

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Changes in Staffing at Ban Xai

      There has been a number of changes in staffing at MiVAC’s Ban Xai project. Steve Carroll who was Projects Director and Projects Manager has been replaced by Rob Woolley as Projects Director (Rob is MiVAC’s Founding Director or Trustee) and by Michael Weibler as Projects Manager. You

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More input from Matt Pittendreigh

Fish Security MiVAC is experimenting with the density of fish that can be grown in an artificial environment – a concrete tank. We have a long way to go before we can pass on to the locals of how they can make money growing and selling fish. The fish that

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Matt Pittendreigh – A Ban Xai Volunteer.

     Water and Toilets for Pong Hor School   Matt Pittendreigh is a Military Engineer – a Sapper is a better name. He met Sandy MacGregor in his Combat Engineer Regiment just before his deployment to Afghanistan. Over a few beers in the canteen Sandy talked about MiVAC. When

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The Ban Xai Annual Report – Sandy MacGregor

The Ban Xai Annual Report In June 2013 John Salter delivered MiVAC’s Annual Report to assembled representatives of Phoukood District and Xiengkhouang MoFA. The day started at the MiVAC Farm at Ban Xai where Yang gave a briefing of what had been achieved outside the farm. This was followed by

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